Monday, April 6, 2009

Free: The Tenors

Although I disagree with the basic premise of this article, I think it is fabulous and very creative advertising. (It's real basses that I think are vanishing). This article hit the front page of the Vancouver Sun on Friday, March 27.

That the tenor is slowly vanishing from the world was evidenced Wednesday morning when members of Vancouver's Jubilate Chamber Choir risked hypothermia by standing for more than an hour at the south end of the Burrard Bridge, trying to lure a tenor or two.

Choir president Jim Colbert and three others, all in tuxedos, were waving signs saying "Free, the tenors" to passing buses and rush-hour motorists.

It wasn't an appeal to let some Pavarotti-beautiful voices out of jail, but shorthand for telling tenors they wouldn't be charged the usual $250 in annual fees if they joined the choir.

Colbert is hoping the demonstration will bring one of these scarce voices into the fold.

"We stayed out there as long as we could. We left before hypothermia set in," said Colbert, whose 24-member choir was formed in 1994 and is now down to its last two tenors.

1 comment:

Altogirl said...

Innovative and certainly eye-catching, and I understand the need for tenors everywhere, but unless the choir voted and is in agreement, I can see this causing problems. If you waive the fee for one part, waive it for all.