Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama arts participation promising

Famed blogger Alex Ross points to this article about promising signs from Obama regarding the arts.  In the article:
"Everyone is commenting, at least in our world, that their first night out, their date night, was an arts event," she says. "People are more thrilled than jealous."

Other early signs that the arts may get to share the Obamas' spotlight were opera star Renee Fleming's inclusion in a free pre-inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial and the rainbow quartet featuring cellist Yo-Yo Ma and violinist Itzhak Perlman that shivered on the Capitol steps while delivering (via a recording, as it turned out) a musical prelude to the oath of office.
(It looks like Alex may have taken this post down at some point, but it showed up in my Bloglines Reader from his column)  Read the whole article here.

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