Monday, July 14, 2008

Can you use this in your next rehearsal?

I found a lesson in this video of starlings for my choir. Can you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful video - almost hard to accept it as real!
The most heard comment in my church when talking about singing? "You wouldn't want ME in your choir!"
There is an epidemic of poor self-image regarding our God-given gift to praise Him. Somewhere in life we have been stung by (e.g.) a family member, teacher, friend, about our voice - and, by extension, our ability to worship.
Jesus taught, in a parable about the widow's gift of a small amount of money - (all she had, really), that those of us with LESS to give (less than a magnificent solo voice perhaps?) bless the Lord all the more for offering *what we have*.
One single starling might not warrant our attention - but a flock of unremarkable single birds can make a painting and a dance that IS remarkable and beautiful.
And *together* miracles happen.