Monday, June 16, 2008

We have arrived: church music has peaked

I'm afraid we've come to this:

I don't think this is a joke . . .


musical dinosaur said...

I am not surprised. I have been lamenting the likes of this video for years. Altogether too many churches have totally sold out on the choral music art, replacing it with praise teams that glorify not God, but the fool with the microphone. It is a reflection of what is going on with our society: a near total sellout to the pop culture. Pastors, not all, are some of the worst abettors, particularly if they are devoid of musical taste and/or knowledge. (Many seminaries are not helping.) Beware particularly of those types who dabble in the musical affairs of the church to the point of driving you, the choir director, out of your job. I know from experience.

Everywhere I go, I check around on the status of our beloved art, whether it be in schools or churches. Fortunately, there always seem to be pockets of goodness everywhere, but this is the exception.

I think the problem has a lot to do with the decline of the family. Our society has become so narcissistic and hedonistic. Are we only consumers?

My choirs have always been known for their excellence and great variety of repertoire. However, if you have ministers and congregants who are so ignorant of everything except what the pop culture offers them, you have trouble. God help us.

Ryan Kelly said...

Oh my goodness...I agree with you, it is not a joke. When the purpose of service music ceases to have discipleship as its purpose, then hedonism and self-glorification becomes the ultimate end.