Thursday, June 12, 2008

Composer Roger Bourland: Music Moves Us

Composer Roger Bourland thinks about music's powerful effects on humanity:

I am thinking about the word "moved" as in "I was 'moved' by her performance."

This state of being "moved" is perhaps a self-induced sense of well being, often at the point of tears--being overwhelmed by an emotion, an emotion that if you give into it you will cry, and if you don’t, you’ll have a lump in your throat, making it difficult to speak or sing. While being moved by something, it is common for the hair on my arms to stand straight up. This phenomenon is referred to as getting goose bumps, or "chills down my spine" or other descriptive phrases.


We are moved by many things, but very often it is music that moves us regularly. In this way, composers and their associates, performers are in many ways pharmacists and magicians. By disturbing the air in a particular manner, they can lull an audience into a trance as if they were under a spell or on drugs.


Music is the invisible vitamin.

Read the whole post here.

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