Monday, February 11, 2008

You Be The Reporter

The ACDA Technology Committee will be recording audio and video podcasts during the 2008 ACDA Division Conventions and we need your help. We want you to report about your convention experience. Tell us about a concert you attended or interview a colleague. Share why you attended the convention and what you will take back to your choirs at home. Honor choir students and performing choir members send us photos or video of your choir warming up before the concert.

View sample videos and sample photos from the 2007 ACDA National convention.

Keep your videos to around one-minute in length and please do not take photos or video during the performances. We'll feature your submissions on the ACDA web site and ChoralNet.

1 comment:

Thomas Lloyd said...

Just curious - what's wrong with video taping performances? No flash, noise, or additional light is required.