Sunday, February 3, 2008

National Presentation Opportunity - Call for Proposals

ACDA is seeking informative and engaging interest session proposals relevant to today's active choral director for presentation at the 2009 ACDA National Convention in Oklahoma City, OK March 4-7, 2009.

Those interested in presenting a session at this national event are encouraged to submit a written proposal outlining the details of the session. Sessions may include lectures, interactive workshops with a demonstration choir, a panel discussion or other format.

All presenters must be a current member of ACDA. Proposals will be considered by members of the national convention committee. Proposals must be postmarked by March 2, 2008.

2009 ACDA Interest Session Proposal Form

2009 ACDA National Convention Information

See a list of the sessions presented at the 2007 ACDA National Convention

Other upcoming ACDA national convention opportunities include Research Poster Session, undergraduate and graduate student conducting competition, and student composition
contest. Watch the ACDA convention web site for details and forms.

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