Thursday, February 7, 2008

A great way to peruse printed music online . . . maybe

Composer Michael Kaulkin found a great tool for PDF previewing and immediately thought it could work for the music publishing industry and his compositions:

I discovered this service that converts any PDF into a slick browser--based document viewer, and immediately thought it might be a good way to present a score for cursory perusal. After playing around with it, I'm not so sure, but I'd love to know what others think. One of my complaints is that the icons are pretty inscrutable to those who aren't up on the conventions.
Check it out here.

1 comment:

Allen H Simon said...

Especially for choral music, the big drawback of this method is I can't print it out and take it to the piano to plunk out and hear what it sounds like.

A better approach is to post excerpts of pieces, or versions which are crippled in some way (like with big "Do not duplicate" watermarks).