Monday, January 7, 2008

J. Carter sings praises of Daniel Bara's Gothic recording

I've been following Jeff Carter's blog for sometime.

In this post, he gives high marks to Daniel Bara's choir and recent recording:
Bara must share my own predilections for British choral music. The recording is a stunner, especially when one considers that the voices are just barely out of their teenaged years. Both the Howells Requiem and the Britten Rejoice in the Lamb have a freshness and urgency that is surprising after hearing so many recordings with specialized voices. I'm still partial to the Carrington recording of the Britten (perhaps because I sang on it, and we recorded it in England), but the Howells on this recording tops my own performance from 1998.

Bara includes one of my favorite folk-song arrangements, Marianne, as a bonus track. I've never heard the tune sung better.

Bara and this choir were, for me, the hit of ACDA convention this last March in Miami. I have no wonders at the beauty of this recording, having heard them live.

I've heard Daniel Bara's choir twice and they were wonderful both times. Thanks for the great review, Jeff!

Full post here.

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