Sunday, January 20, 2008

Found: A Church Choir Rant

Interesting find here:

Church is the same stuff, different year. If I didn't so desperately need the money, I wouldn't still be a church musician. It's just not fun anymore, and quite frankly, I'm sick of stupid, talentless people who couldn't sing in tune if their lives depended on it. I have to fix the same issues week after week at rehearsals only to have them reappear the very next time the selection is sung. It's irritating to constantly repeat one's self, all the while dealing with the bad attitude and oversized egos of people who think they're much better than they actually are.

I've felt that before. Anyone else?


John Brough said...

Wow - someone needs a new Church Job. I quite like mine!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hmm...sounds like someone needs to go work at Walmart or sell insurance.

sth said...
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sth said...
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Musicguy said...

Sorry guys, but I'm dealing with far more than just the bad singers. I encourage you to read the entirety of my comments before you tell me I should be selling insurance. My blog is my venting ground, a place to get things off my chest. Whether they're right or wrong is irrelevant. I'm so glad that you all have such picture perfect BS lives that you never get angry or frustrated. Must be nice.

Anonymous said...

I completely understand the dilema you are in. While I am no longer the church choir director/organist, it get what you are saying. It can be so frustrating to stand before a group of people who really want to serve, yet they are so stuck in their ways and on themselves, that they can't see past it. And, to top it all off, others encourage them by telling them how good they are. Thus making my job even more difficult because I end up being the bad guy and can't seem to help them. If they only took it a bit more seriously, spent the amount of time practicing as they do gossiping/complaining about me or the music, and just did the job, it would all be pretty good AND they would actully know what it means to make good music. Being a music teacher for almost 20 years, i completely get what you are talking about. Hang in there, it will get better. Just make sure it isn't about you, and more about the product...and it should eventually work itself out. Let me know if I can help. SuperTenor

retired said...

Most of us can relate to what you are saying. But a more fundamental concern to me is that you are burning out. It took me quite a while to realize that I could not swing the baton 6 to 7 days aweek. I quite my church job and continued the school job. You definitely either need a sabbatical or leave of absence or quite for a year and then look for another job. Don't "hide" behind the money - we all do that...there are other ways. Good Luck!


Musicguy said...

thanks supertenor and retired. I appreciate your comments. Certainly something to think about and consider.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's what I was getting at. I guess my attempt at humor was a poor one. Didn't mean to offend or invite an attack...if an apology is necessary you have mine.

I have worked for 7 churches in my career - quite a varied lot, too. I have dealt with the types of singers you mention, but just about always found a way to make things positive. Don't get me wrong...I did actually walk away from one job - but that was because of the organist - he sent an email to the pastor and me stating that our main purpose as church musicians was to "entertain." YIKES. The staff council didn't have a problem with that - so I left. I would agree with the previous post...take a break or find other musical work if possible.

- current conducting doctoral student

John Brough said...

I as well wish to apologize if I offended in anyway.

It is never fun to be in a job which is no fun. I almost quit my church job in my second year, due to a lack of commitment from my choristers, and the idea in my mind that because I'm here every week giving up my time for the choir, everyone else should too. I consider myself very luck that 10 years later I have one of the best church jobs in the city. I've come to realize what a church job is, and just accept it for what it is. Turns out - it's a whole lot of low pressure fun, and they pay me for it.

I did read the rest of your post, and understand the nature of your blog as a venting ground - again my apologies for taking it out of its context.

Unknown said...

Actually...It's not about you! You really need to be helping others worship. It's more than a job. If you consider working in a position in a church to get more are the one with the problem not the choir you should be serving...I love my position.

Robert McBain

Musicguy said...

No, Robert, my blog is all about me. It even says so in my sidebar :-) I'm just thrilled to pieces that you love your church job. I hope to get back to that point someday very soon. Thanks for your fabulous thoughts on the subject.

Unknown said...

Doing a 'church job' for the money is really not the right thing to do for you or the church from which you get a check!
I would suggest WalMart but you don't seem to have a 'smiley face' for that job either....Maybe it's you!

Robert McBain

Unknown said...

MusicGuy has clearly stated that his blog is a place for him to vent.

Sometimes we do the right thing for the wrong reason . . . I wouldn't have posted his "rant" if I didn't occasionally have negative feelings about my church job.

I'm closing comments for this post. (if i figure out how to do that)