Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cork Choral Festival Highlights Pavarotti's Participation

The famous Cork International Choral Festival is highlighting Pavarotti's participation in the choral competition and his early role as a choral musician.

He participated in the Cork International Choral Festival on two occasions, in 1957 and in 1965. In this first appearance, the great Pavarotti sung as a member of the Societa Corale Gioacchino Rossini from Modena, of which his father was conductor.

More from the website:

In 1965 he returned to Cork, this time having visited Dublin as part of the Dublin Grand Opera Society's spring season in 1963. At this stage he was beginning to make a name for himself as an opera singer. He sang once again with the Societa Corale Gioacchino Rossini, this time no doubt as a favour to swell the ranks of tenors in his father's choir! The choir performed non-competitively, but made quite an impression on those in attendance, as can be seen from the stories below.

The following extracts are taken from Cork International Choral Festival 1954 - 2004: A Celebration by Ruth Flesichmann, and provide some recollections of Pavarotti's time in Cork.

Bob Barry, Former Member of St Mary's Cathedral Choir and Friend of the Festival says:

"Around the mid-sixties we heard another male voice choir form Modena in Italy. Again in a non-competitive recital they chose a piece for tenor solo and chorus. A young tenor stood forward to sing the verse, and nobody in the audience realised that he was to become one of the most famous singers of the century. He was none other that Luciano Pavarotti. The second verse was sung by Pavarotti's father."

More here.

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