Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Philippine Madrigal Singers win 2nd Grand Prix

The European Grand Prix for Choral Singing is the most prestigious prize in international choral competitions, a kind of World Cup final for the winners of a series of regional competitions in Italy, Hungary, Spain, France, and Bulgaria. Adult and children's choirs from all over the world compete. No choir has even won the Grand Prix twice, until now.

Congratulations to the Philippine Madrigal Singers, from the University of the Philippines, and its director Mark Anthony Carpio.

Hat tip: A cappella news

UPDATE: There's a video.


jojo said...

There is a video of snippets of the competition and the announcement at the official blog site of the Philippine Madrigal Singers. The link is:


Jonathan Velasco

jojo said...

Somehow the full link doesn't show. Please just add a dot after the word blogspot, then add com, without any spaces. Thanks!
