Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Spider Pig - Choral Version

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm told it is quite funny. It seems this choral version of "Spider Pig" appears at the end of the Simpsons Movie.

Hey . . . it's the end of July . . . and there isn't much news in the world of choir.


mrpaul said...

Hmmm...I wonder why the "Spider Pig" music sounds so spooky. Perhaps someone who has seen the 'pig-ture' can explain.

Ryan Kelly said...

This is disturbing!!!!

CJ said...

I love the spider pig!!

El Mito said...

I would love to have the sheet muisic for this!!!

Unknown said...

My choral group is doing this and we so need the sheet music!
Screw the legality of it, someone post the sheet music!

riel said...

Did anyone ever find a copy of the arrangement for this? I'd love to get a copy for my choir!

Kaybee322 said...

I transcribed Spider Pig to the SATB version. I saved the 6 pages of music as pictures, which you can d/l free from my facebook. You do need an account to see it, but its free. If there's any problems accessing the sheet music, email me at maxrebo04 at yahoo dot com http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=541103615#/album.php?aid=36644&id=541103615

Unknown said...

Yo. I can't access the photos on your Facebook Kaybee322. Could you please repost them?