Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mozart Requiem and "The Shot"

Robert Johnson pointed the ChoralNet world to this video. This article discusses it in more detail . . . an excerpt:

Minnesota Public Radio's John Birge describes it as "the unlikely but perfect soundtrack" to a new Nike commercial dramatizing the emotional final seconds of a high school basketball game. The soundtrack he's referring to is Mozart's Requiem, performed by the St. Olaf Choir, conducted by Anton Armstrong '78. The choir, accompanied by the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, provides the soaring vocals that seamlessly complement the gravity-defying athletics in the ad.

Since debuting Feb. 7, the commercial has generated a considerable amount of buzz, collecting thousands of hits on YouTube and prompting discussion on Classical Notes, Minnesota Public Radio's music weblog. Recently the Twin Cities-based Star Tribune also ran a story in which B.J. Johnson, manager of St. Olaf music organizations, discusses the commercial.

Although speculation abounds as to why and how Nike chose the St. Olaf Choir's rendition of Mozart's Requiem -- a piece recorded by countless ensembles -- Johnson considers the choice thematically appropriate.

"Someone at Nike obviously knew his or her classical music," he says.

1 comment:

DTinAZ said...

The editing of the sound track is pretty brutal, IMO. I found the cuts from one portion of the movement to another a bit jarring.